When patients are faced with poor bite alignment, they may be at risk for a variety of conditions, including:
Instead of dealing with orthodontics, patients near Marietta, Georgia are urged to visit Smyrna Dental to learn about a therapy called TruDenta. TruDenta is a therapy that can improve a variety of conditions with combined in-office and at-home treatments. Additionally, it is a great way to address chronic headaches and migraines that are caused by these conditions.
TruDenta combines two types of treatment into one.
By combining both in-office treatment and at-home treatment, patients will see amazing results in a relatively short period of time. Patients will see dramatic improvement in their oral health and wellness while addressing a variety of conditions, including headaches and migraines, that may be caused by bite misalignment.
Patients who have chronic conditions as a result of bite misalignment are welcome to visit the practice of Dr. David Lamothe to ask about therapies such as TruDenta to determine if they would provide a viable solution for their specific needs. Patients undergo an initial evaluation during which the team of Smyrna Dental decide if TruDenta therapy would be beneficial for them.
TruDenta is a revolutionary way of improving bite alignment to reduce a number of concerns with conditions such as TMJ, bruxism, and more! Call Dr. David Lamothe of Smyrna Dental today to discuss the advantages of TruDenta therapy as part of your oral health routine. Schedule an appointment at (678) 374-3764 and visit the practice at 3246 Atlanta Road, Suite B.